About Me

Let's learn something new together!

Hello! I'm Geoffry. I am a desktop application developer turned full stack developer. I started my journey as a student of architecture and design until I signed up for a course on building computers, or so I thought. By mistake, I actually signed up for a computer programming course and fell in love at "Hello World!". After I switched majors and obtained a B.S. in Computer Science, I found my first job in the sports industry and spent three years there. I developed applications for the NHL's scoring system, the 2018 Boston Marathon, and the 2019 San Francisco Marathon.

Skills and Experience

Here are some of the technologies I am proficient with. I am continuously adding to this list as I learn new languages and technologies.

  • C/C++
  • JavaScript
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Node JS
  • Express
  • React
  • React Redux
  • MongoDB
  • Python
  • Git
  • Github

If you would like to see more of my professional accomplishments, they can be found in my resume.

Recent Projects

Check out some of my most recent projects!

Artillery Strike

A calculator to help artillery teams hit their targets in the game Foxhole. This was a group project with a few friends who enjoyed playing with artillery in Foxhole, but had very limited options on good calculators. We came up with an efficient workflow and then designed the software to fill the needs of this workflow giving us a very effective tool to help conquer our in-game enemies.


The only social media site to display and share your fish related content with other fish lovers. This group project was developed as a learning experience. The goal was to assemble a team of six strangers who would collaborate over a week to build a backend project. Constructed with Node, Express, and EJS using the MVC architecture pattern.

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me about work opportunities, collaboration, or just to chat about code! I can be reached in the following ways.